Undrinkable cup icon written

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Inscribed icon of the Mother of God Undrinking Cup

Size: 20*30 cm

Materials: linden board, oil paints, tempera, gold leaf.

Writing period: 5-7 days.

The size and materials of the work are selected individually

Icon of the Mother of God "Undrinkable cup" - an image that saves from addictions


Dependence on something is a scourge of the modern world. Many people suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, harmful cravings for gambling or overeating, making their loved ones miserable. Of course, they try to fight it - but modern medicine often turns out not to be able to cure them. After all, such problems are not caused by physiological features, but by psychological and even spiritual difficulties, loss of moral guidelines, disappointment in eternal values. That is why it is necessary to seek help from those who treat the soul, not the body.

And it is in such situations that the icon "Undrinkable cup" is needed. What helps, where to hang a blessed image, what is its history and theological meaning - you will learn all this from our article.

The "Undrinkable Cup" Relic Phenomenon

This shrine, like the "Undrinkable Cup" prayer from drunkenness, was given to people by the Virgin Mary not so long ago - in 1878. This is the legend associated with her appearance.

The chronicles show that in the Efremiv district of the Tula province, there lived a retired soldier possessed by the disease of drunkenness. His addiction reached such a degree that he sold all his possessions, becoming practically a beggar. Then the man's legs became paralyzed - but he continued to drink alcohol.

Once in a dream, an old man crowned with a shining nimbus appeared in front of him. The righteous man ordered the soldier to go to the monastic monastery located in the city of Serpukhov and order a prayer there before the image of the "Undrinkable Cup". At first, the sinner did not listen to these words, mistaking them for a delusional vision. In addition, he had no money and could not walk at all. But the dream returned again and again. For the third time, the righteous man's tone and words became so threatening that the man still set out on the road, and he had to cover the entire distance on all fours.

Having finally reached the monastery, the sufferer told the monks about what had happened to him and asked for a Divine Liturgy. But none of the brothers knew the relic with that name. Finally, an elderly monk remembered that in the passage leading from the cathedral to the sacristy, there was an image showing a chalice. And indeed - when it was examined more closely, on the reverse side of the icon, the inscription "Undrinked cup" was found. A service was immediately held near her - and what was the surprise and delight of all present when the soldier was completely cured of all his ailments. Later, he recognized the old man who appeared to him in a dream. It was Saint Varlaam - a miracle worker from Novgorod.

The news of what happened spread very quickly. People suffering from drunkenness and other harmful addictions came to the blessed shrine from all over the country. Now there are lists of insults in almost every temple. But where is the "Undrinkable Cup" icon, near which the very first healing was revealed? She is still in the Serpukhovsky Vysotsky Men's Monastery. Every Sunday, a prayer is held near the shrine, and then an akathist is read about those who suffer from an excessive addiction to alcohol. You can also offer prayers near a home relic, because the Mother of God hears everyone who turns to her with faith, hope and repentance.

  • State:
  • Material:
    linden board, oak dowel,
  • paints:
    natural pigments, acrylic
  • decoration:
    , gold leaf, varnish
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