Handwritten measuring icon of St. Nicholas metric 220/480

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Handwritten measuring icon of St. Nicholas

The icon is written in an academic and canonical style on a blackboard

Size: 22*48 cm

Materials: linden board, oil paints, tempera, gold leaf.

Writing deadline: 5 days.

Additionally, the icon can be decorated in a kiot with protective glass. Kyoto prolongs the life of painted icons, protecting them from the harmful effects of the environment, gives the image a more complete look and allows you to hang the icon without damaging the boards.

We will produce for you the same or with any changes and additions at your request.

  • State:
  • Material:
    linden board, oak dowel,
  • paints:
    natural pigments, acrylic
  • decoration:
    Gold leaf, varnish
  • performance technique:
    canonical and academic style
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